The Most Bizarre Politician Hairstyles Ranked

Publish date: 2024-08-30

Far-right Dutch politician Geert Wilders attempted to lead the country in 2017, positioning himself as what Vox called the "Dutch Donald Trump," campaigning primarily on Islamophobia. Like his American counterpart, Wilders made headlines around the world for his hairstyle, an obviously-dyed 'do that downright defies description. It's slicked-back, but also poofed-up? It's somehow tucked into itself? Voluminous, but also, receding? It's unique, whatever it's called. 

"The Daily Show" host Trevor Noah pointed out the similarity between Wilders' hair and two other politicians with striking hairdos, Trump and his British ally Boris Johnson, positing, "What is it with these villains and their hair?'s obvious what's going on here: We've been invaded by mind-controlling aliens who look like bad hair."

Katja Herbers, Dutch star of Paramount+ show "Evil," tweeted about Wilders' hair when he lost the 2017 election, noting that he sported a curly mullet in college and must devote significant time to straightening it these days. She also noted, "Geert Wilders [dyes] his hair blonde & wears blue contacts," tacitly linking his appearance to his promotion of white nationalist ideology. Herbers was far from the only one to make that connection; the National Post also tied Wilders' bleached locks to his alleged racism. Hair: it's political!
